
"Candid, amusing & blunt everyday stuff. Love!" @

Friday, January 25, 2013


I am ready for a new challenge in my life.  What is this challenge you are asking yourself?

Doctorate?  Soon

Marriage?  Um... No

Kids?  Would love them but no

Another 5K?  Hell to the yes!  I will be participating in the Color Run June 1, 2013 I had so much fun the first 2 times that I have to do it again.

Even another 5K?  Hell to the yes!  This isn't any 5K, it is a women's only 5K that is an obstacle course. I'm ready for you Dirty Girl! http://www.godirtygirl.com/  If you want to join my team, we are the Dirty Cupcakes

I'm ready for a physical challenge!  I have decided that I am ready to push myself beyond my comfort level and to show myself that I am AWESOME!

This 5K is June 22, 2013 in Kansas City, KS.  I am so ready to do something different and what a great way to end the school year!

Now, I'm not just challenging myself.  You see, this is a really sneaky way to get others involved.

Regardless of your physical abilities, this challenge is aimed at you.  Make this your 5K that moment in your life that changes you.  Make it that moment that gives you that slice of self-esteem that others have ripped from you and now you are fighting back for it.

Make it your moment!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


One year ago tonight I was interviewed by Mrs. Christa Dubill from KSHB.  She was interviewing me about this blog.

Andy was the awesome camera man that night.   Between Andy and Christa I felt so comfortable.
That was an incredible night!  From that interview, I have made some amazing new friends and have been inspired to do many incredible things.

As my 32nd birthday is coming to a close, I am thankful for each and every person that has come into my life.  Every experience has taught me a lesson.  Every moment is cherished.

Thank you to everyone that has wished me a happy birthday!

Thank you to everyone that has given me support over this last year.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Won't you let me take you on a sea cruise!

I'm so excited!  I'm leaving the country for the first time every AND going on a cruise for the first time ever in MARCH 2013!!!!!

One of my besties and I are going!  Now that it's officially booked I get to share my excitement.

So... boat, Florida, water, warm weather, CRAAAAAAAP!  That means.....


What I am going to do?!?!?!?!?!

Now my step mom made a good point, "Nobody will ever see you again!"  But then I made the point, "We've got to take pictures!"

See the issue!  Fat girls, swim suits, cruises... not a good combination!

Time to step it up and take some inches off and some pounds off to make this vacation picture pretty.

I don't want to hear it!  Yes, I'm beautiful inside and out. Yes, I don't need to change unless I want to.  Yes, it's more about having fun then looking good.

I know I know!  It's about what I need to do for me to feel good about this cruise.

Let the countdown begin!!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


The FitBit is a cool way to track steps and what not.  http://www.fitbit.com/home

I'm excited to see how well it will work for me.  I'm planning on using it to track my sleep as well.  Who knew that a pedometer could track your sleep?

My burgundy FitBit One
It also tracks miles, stairs climbed, and calories burned.  There is a cute little flower that shows you how active you are.

As long as I am within 20 ft of a turned on computer with the Wireless Dongle (tee hee Dongle), it will update my information throughout the day.

I'm excited to try this new venture.

I'm coming up on my one year since my interview.  I've met some incredible people since it aired.  Thank you all for the support you have given me over this last year.

Here's to many more years of encouragement and support with each other!

Thought of the day:

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Two of our first grade teachers are running the Disney World Marathon today (26.2 miles)!  Rachelle was my inspiration for starting this blog.  http://chunkygirlintraining.blogspot.com/

I watched her go from this:

To this:

How can I NOT have inspiration in my teammate!  Her dedication is unbelievable!

Now, I will admit, I do not have the desire to be a runner. I see the people running and I think "you are crazy!"  but I do want to be a smaller, healthier version of me.

If I can run multiple miles, that is a bonus for me!

I look at where I was a year ago and I see how far I've come.  A friend sent me a Facebook message yesterday and said that I'm looking "Wow!"  I needed that confirmation that what I've been doing has been awesome!

I don't have a weight loss number in mind for 2013.  Why put a number on it.  I think it is better to just strive for health.

Just remember that

Friday, January 4, 2013

So I thought I blogged yesterday, I was wrong :)

I had an interesting experience yesterday...

I was at the mall planning on going to The Body Shop.  You know those little kiosks you have to walk past to get to the stores... yeah those annoying things.  Well, this guy tried to stop me and I told him no thank you.  Well, he said, you look like someone that is too fat and needs to lose weight.  I almost went postal on him! 

What makes you think that is okay to say to someone you want business from?  So yeah, insulting my weight will get you my business *reread that with sarcasm :)*  I just walked away shaking my head and seeing fire. 

For me, being criticized makes me want to punch you as opposed to sit there and listen to you.

So thank you insulting-weight-loss-kiosk-man, you proved to me that no matter what you are selling, being an asshole translates to it.  Oh and thank you for the motivation you gave me, now I want to lose weight my way and go back to give you the bird.  Have a nice day insulting-weight-loss-kiosk-man.

Thought of the day:
 Insulting-weight-loss-kiosk-man didn't kill my dream but made me dream bigger!  Suck on that!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Last year

So this is the picture that began my blog....

Although the picture was taken from a different angle, I feel like there is a difference here. 

My plan over the next few days is to take the "Biggest Loser" pictures again.

This is one of my favorite activities when I go out to see my dad and step-mom.  I really enjoy feeding chickens and interacting with these very yummy birds.  These are not for eating though. 
One year ago when I started working out with my trainer, 1 and 2 pound weights were next to impossible for me to lift.  It's incredible how far I've come in such a short time.  Today I was working with 10 pound weights!  I don't know what it was about my workout today but there is a renewed sense of hope for me. 

 I want to be at least 20 pounds lighter in June when I do the Color Run for the 3rd time on June 1, 2013.  I may be doing a 4th in September.  It is fun, motivating and something I want to do any chance I get. I am disappointed that I didn't lose more weight but 20 pounds is a lot of weight.  Don't believe me?  Go to the grocery store and pick up 2 10lb bags of potatoes.  There ya go!  Imagine carrying that around!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jan. 1st The day that changed my life

One year ago today I decided that I needed to make some serious changes in my life.  My life has changed for the better since that decision was made.

Although I have struggled... although I have fought... although I have battled, I regret nothing.  After having picked up two 10 pound bags of potatoes, I realized that 20 pounds is a lot.  Although it wasn't what I had hoped to have lost, it's still a lot!

I have done more in 365 days to better my body than I ever have in my life.

My biggest accomplishment was doing 3 5k's and running about 1 and a half miles in the last one.

My body is ready for more!  My goal is another 20 pounds this year.  It's not a very lofty goal but it's a goal none the less.  It's realistic too!  I have to say whatever over 20 pounds I lose is totally a bonus.

I have a goal to blog 3 times a week. I'll be finishing up grad school and taking a kick ass vacation in March so it might be tough but it will be done!

Tomorrow's topic.... goal making.

Thought of the day: