
"Candid, amusing & blunt everyday stuff. Love!" @

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I have made another discovery about myself!

I love when that happens!

This year, my plan time is in the morning and pretty late in the morning.  9:40 is pretty late for me, since I get off of plantime and have an hour before lunch.  I eat my daily snack of a cheese stick and go about my merry way.

I have learned to pack a lunch that is satisfying.  I don't have a break in the afternoon so I don't get to eat anything until after school.

Last year when I had my plan in the afternoon, I was really hungry by plan and would eat something more substantial than I should have.

I also save a piece of fruit for after school to eat while I'm finishing up work for the day.

I find that I'm not as hungry as I would have been in the past.

I also feel like I have a renewed spark/motivation.  I don't know where this is coming from but I need it to stick around.

I'm guessing the change in medication has pulled me from my funk.

Not too much longer until my next 5k...



  1. I need one don't I?

    I guess you could always post to Facebook or something and then like that LOL
