
"Candid, amusing & blunt everyday stuff. Love!" @

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26th

Do you hear that?  That knocking sound?  It's Friday!  This has been a long week. The weather has made the kiddos CRAZY!

Yesterday's workout helped me get rid of a lot of stress.  I had been feeling like nothing was going my way.  I worked hard and pushed myself to a new level.

Today's workout felt like an old friend.  When did that happen?!  Looking forward to a workout?!  I'm getting better at this!  I used the stationary bike while reading a book... for pleasure!  GASP!!!!!

After my 30 minutes or so on the bike, I had another workout with Trainer Joe.  That man pushed me!!  The high I felt afterwards was incredible.  Is this what people feel like after every workout?

I have one more session with him for free :(
I have asked him about meeting a few times a month to push me and keep me on track.  He agreed to it.  WooHoo!  I need that.  Not only does this blog help me to stay on track and focused on my health journey, but I have other ways as well.

When my story airs on the news, I will definitely have to push myself.  Having a trainer work with me a few times a month will not only help me from being bored out of my mind with my workouts but will also keep me focused.  Sometimes, that's all you need.

My thought of the day today is from...
Look at the curves on that woman!  Her thighs touch!
I have to say that I do look up to her.  She was a beautiful woman and she showed off her body.  Marilyn had hips.  She had thighs. She had a booty.  But most importantly, she had grace.  I wish she would have lived longer.  I think she would have been amazing!  She could have been a positive role model for girls and women.  Contrary to popular belief, she was actually a size 8 and at her heaviest a size 10.

If I only I could look like her someday....

I'm trying to find myself as a person.  Who am I?  What are my goals and beliefs?  What do I dream about?

This is not just a journey of weight loss and health.  I believe it was time for me to find that person deep inside that I don't know is there.  What is she trying to tell me?  I can hear her whispering to me but I can't make out what she is saying.  I think it's time for a mega phone :)

Thought of the Day:
“I’m trying to find myself as a person, sometimes that’s not easy to do. Millions of people live their entire lives without finding themselves. But it is something I must do. The best way for me to find myself as a person is to prove to myself that I am an actress.”— Marilyn Monroe

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