
"Candid, amusing & blunt everyday stuff. Love!" @

Monday, July 2, 2012

6 months!

Happy 6 months to me!  It's crazy that 6 months ago today I started the blog and this journey.

Although this journey isn't going quite as I anticipated, it's going well.

Looking back to my initial goals...

#1 Arrive at the Y by 4:30pm, 3 days a week, and work out for at least 30 minutes.
#2 Not buying cookies and ice cream, if it's in the house, I will eat it
#3 No fast food! If I eat it, choose wisely!

I think I needed that reminder.  Things haven't been going as planned in regards to my goals so I think I need to change things up.

#1 Arrive at the Y by 4:30pm, 4 days a week and work out for a least 45 minutes.
#2 No buying cookies, ice cream or candy, if it's in the house, I will eat it
#3 No fast food!  Just say no!

*Changes are in bold

I am by no means discouraged by my outcomes, for crying out loud I walked 3.1 miles in under 1 hour. I could not have said that on January 2, 2012.

These new goals should help me get my buns into gear again.  I've got the Glow Run in 12 days and plan on running part of it this time.  Starting tomorrow I am going to be training for it.  Now that I know why I can't breathe, I can make it work!

It's time to look at your goals and make the appropriate changes.

Thought of the day:

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